Nancy Sheppard
Nancy E. Sheppard - Founder & CEO, Women2Boards. Nancy has a passion for helping connect people for mutual benefit. She founded Women2Boards in 2014 as a way to assist both corporate boards and women connect and improve gender diversity. Read More

Family Businesses Provide More Board Seats for Women
Family-owned businesses in the U.S. are ahead of the corporate world in the representation of women on their boards. According to a 2013 Deloitte report, Perspectives on family-owned businesses – Governance and succession planning, there are 5.5 million family-owned businesses in the US. They surveyed 222 family-owned businesses for the report. Approximately 70% […]

Business Case for More Women in the Boardroom
Business Case Study after study show companies perform better with gender diversity in their leadership. This chart issued last year of 2,400 companies worldwide shows a clear correlation. On their current wish list for new director backgrounds, S&P 500 companies ranked women equal to their wish for active […]
HeForShe Campaign launched at UN
A speech by Emma Watson, who played Hermoine Granger in Harry Potter, at the UN headquarters last weekend, set the tone for how men should become a part of the conversation on feminism. She named the campaign HeForShe. She said, “how can we affect change in the world when only […]

What Kind of Women Join Microsoft’s Board?
Is having CEO experience essential for a board position? The answer is no. According to a 2012 report from Spencer Stuart, a major search firm for board seats, only 24% of new female directors at S&P 500 firms had CEO/President/COO or Chairman/Vice Chair experience. Over the past few years, the CPA route […]

Board Candidates with Cyber-Risk Knowledge Are Needed
In a speech on June 10, entitled Boards of Directors, Corporate Governance and Cyber-Risks: Sharpening the Focus, Luis A. Aguilar, Commissioner, SEC, stated that “many boards lack the technical expertise necessary to be able to evaluate whether management is taking appropriate steps to address cybersecurity issues.” For a reading of the Commissioners […]

Women on corporate boards help companies strike better deals
A 2013 study from the University of British Columbia reveals that female directors appear to bring down the costs of acquiring other companies, according to new research from the University of British Columbia, and they also tend to make fewer overall acquisition bids than companies that don’t have women on their boards. […]